Your bone graft is made up of many particles. You may find some small granules in your mouth for the first several days. Do not be alarmed by these. The socket is over packed to allow for the loss of a small amount of particles. It is normal to have some of them come out of the graft site and into your mouth. There are some things that can be done to minimize the amount of particles that become dislodged.

What to Expect following surgery:

BLEEDING: Small amounts of blood in the saliva can make your saliva appear red/pink the remainder of the day after the procedure.

PAIN: Before the anesthetic wears off, it is recommended you take 400-800 mg of Ibuprofen/ Advil or Motrin every 6 hours to relieve any post op discomfort. If you are allergic or cannot take the above meds, you can take 1000mg of Acetaminophen / Tylenol every 6 hours. If more severe discomfort occurs, please contact us at 604-689-7551.

SWELLING: Some swelling of the lip of cheek may occur.

What to do following surgery:

After leaving the office, rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. This will help reduce bleeding and aid in the healing process.

Take your meds as described above. Be sure to take before the anesthesia wears off. Nausea can occur and most often is due to taking your meds on an empty stomach. Take your meds with a large glass of water or with some soft food.

Eat soft foods for the first 2-4 days. Maintain a good, balanced diet. Drink plenty of water. Avoid chewing hard foods on the graft sites. Chewing forces during the healing phase can decrease the body’s ability to heal around the graft. Do not use a straw. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours.

For the first day, it is advisable to let the blood clot stabilize by not rinsing your mouth. Following the first day, gentle rising would be advised; avoid vigorous rinsing. Do not rinse vigorously because you can disturb some of the bone graft granules. Do not use mouthwash. Use only water or warm salt water if desired.

Smoking should be avoided for a minimum of 1 week as it slows down the healing process.

Do not apply pressure with your tongue or fingers to the grafted area because the material is movable during the initial healing. Do not lift or pull the lip to look at the sutures as this can actually damage the site or tear the sutures and cause damage to the wound site. Avoid poking the site with your tongue.

Return to the office as directed for removal of the sutures or follow-up check as directed.
Do not avoid cleaning the area. You can take a Q-Tip and dip it in hydrogen peroxide or just water and gently clean the site. Do not avoid brushing your teeth but stay away from the site with the toothbrush. Let comfort be your guide.

If a partial denture or a flipper was placed in your mouth, you will probably have to have it adjusted and learn how to remove and replace it appropriately. In some cases, you will be advised not to wear it during the healing process.

Most times, the sutures that are placed need to remain for 2-4 weeks and in some cases even longer.

If a CollaPlug was placed during your procedure, it will come out several days later. As the area begins to heal, the plug will come out. Its appearance is a jelly-like substance. This is normal and to be expected.

If a non-resorbable barrier membrane was placed, this is to stay in place until the doctor removes it along with the sutures. It is a white sheet that wraps over the site to aide in the healing process.

Please call the office at 604-689-7551 if you have:
• Uncontrollable pain
• Excessive or severe bleeding
• Marked fever
• Excessive warm swelling

Or if you have any other questions or concerns.

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